Professional training and job shadowing
Learning together - Bilingual learning environment and integrated education models
Course location Pyhäjoki Upper Secondary School, Pyhäjoki
Course facilitators
Peeter Mehisto, University College London, Institute of Education, UK
Tuula Asikainen, CLILedu, Finland
Anne Ontero, Pyhäjoki Learning Center
Tauno Rajaniemi, Pyhäjoki Upper Secondary School
Course objectives
Participants will gain
insights into the role of language and languages in learning
ideas of how to apply the idea of language(s) across the curriculum
strategies to adapt integrative (Content and Language Integrated Learning) methodologies in own practice
strengthened English language proficiency and communication skills
strategies for intercultural communication and exchange
The daily schedule is 10:00 – 15:00, including the course program, job shadowing in all school levels and an hour‘s lunch break.
Day 1: Sunday
Arrivals, accommodation
Day 2: Monday
Orientation, introductions
What works in education? Beliefs vs research
Models of bilingual education
Review of day
Day 3: Tuesday
Misconceptions on bilingualism
What is CLIL? - Core features of CLIL
Reflection on own context and practice
Review of day
Day 4: Wednesday
Putting core features in practice: objectives – outcomes
Assessment – evaluation
Reflection on own context and practice
Review of day
Day 5: Thursday
Putting core features in practice: scaffolding
Scaffolding language – content – cognition
Reflection on own context and practice
Review of day
Day 6: Friday
Core features of CLIL revisited
Formative assessment, feedback – feedforward
Intercultural communication and exchange
Course evaluation
Farewells and Leaving for Oulu
Day 7: Saturday
Leaving for Helsinki